Conditional Commands - ifelse

General form:
ifelse [true/false condition][action if true][action if false]

make "variable1 23
make "variable2 23
ifelse :variable1 = :variable2 [print [It's TRUE]][print [It's FALSE]]
produces ... It's TRUE

NOTE: There can be many 'actions' in the square brackets including procedures.

iftrue and iffalse

iftrue and iffalse are special applications of the "if" condition where a "test" command is applied first and then action is taken depending upon the result of the "test".

General use:

make "variable1 27
make "variable2 33
test :variable1 = :variable2
iftrue [print [The values are the same.]]
ifffalse [print [The values are different.]]
   produces ... The values are different.

As previously discussed, the "action" can be a number of commands, or procedures.

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