More MSW Logo Commands

PenUp PU Lifts the pen as the turtle moves. The turtle stops drawing.
PenDown PD The turtle continues to draw as it moves.
BYE none Closes MSW Logo and exits the programme.
EDIT "<procedure> none Opens the Editor window and either loads an existing <procedure>, or starts a new procedure.
EDALL none Opens the Editor window and loads ALL procedures in the current session.
SAVE "<fileName> none Saves the current session to disk using the name entered as :<fileName>
LOAD "<fileName> none Loads a previously saved file from disk.
PENRASE PE Sets the pen's position to DOWN and the mode to erase.
PENPAINT PPT Sets the pen's position to DOWN and the mode to PAINT. (PAINT is the normal mode.)
SETPENCOLOR [Red, Green, Blue] none Changes the pencolor. eg SETPENCOLOR [255, 0, 0] = Red, SETPENCOLOR [0, 255,0] = Green, SETPENCOLOR [0, 0, 255] = Blue

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