More MSW Logo Commands
PenUp | PU | Lifts the pen as the turtle moves. The turtle stops drawing. |
PenDown | PD | The turtle continues to draw as it moves. |
BYE | none | Closes MSW Logo and exits the programme. |
EDIT "<procedure> | none | Opens the Editor window and either loads an existing <procedure>, or starts a new procedure. |
EDALL | none | Opens the Editor window and loads ALL procedures in the current session. |
SAVE "<fileName> | none | Saves the current session to disk using the name entered as :<fileName> |
LOAD "<fileName> | none | Loads a previously saved file from disk. |
PENRASE | PE | Sets the pen's position to DOWN and the mode to erase. |
PENPAINT | PPT | Sets the pen's position to DOWN and the mode to PAINT. (PAINT is the normal mode.) |
SETPENCOLOR [Red, Green, Blue] | none | Changes the pencolor. eg SETPENCOLOR [255, 0, 0] = Red, SETPENCOLOR [0, 255,0] = Green, SETPENCOLOR [0, 0, 255] = Blue |