Loading a File in MSW Logo
As outlined on the previous screen - when you use the SAVE command (or the File/Save menu) MSW Logo saves all of the procedures defined in that session. To access the file and the procedures it contains at some later stage you must LOAD it from disk.
Loading a File as a Command in the
Input Box
STEP 1 - Click in the Input Box to make it active.
STEP 2 - Type in: LOAD "MyFile.lgo and press the Enter key.
MSW Logo will load the file and all of the procedures it contains.
NOTE 1: You must know the file name to use this approach. If the file is on a different disk it is specified as: LOAD "A:\MyFile.lgo If you are not sure of the name of the file you can use the DIR command to list all the files in the logged directory.
Loading a File via the Menus
Go to the File/Load menu and load the file in the usual way. Remember to specify Show all files (*.*) if you are not sure you saved the file with a ".lgo" extension.
NOTE 2: If the file you are loading contains a procedure with the same name as on you have defined in your current session, the current one will be overwritten by the one you are loading. BE CAREFUL!